
All posts for the month October, 2014

The Blog is NOT Dead.

Published October 26, 2014 by christinenorris

Despite rumors to the contrary (oh, wait, there weren’t any? Oh well, that’s embarrassing.) this blog is not dead. Life has taken over and it’s been difficult to keep up. But, a quick update!

Everything is moving along nicely with A CURSE OF ASH AND IRON. I’ve turned in two rounds of edits, and the manuscript is off to the copy editor for proofing. I imagine that at some point in the near future I’ll get work that I need to turn in my cover art survey, so we can start working on that.

Curiosity Quills big-wigs say that we’re shooting for a release sometime in the late Spring of 2015. Which is good, because the end of the school year is always less busy, plus I do several events, like Balticon, where I can really push the promo. There have even been rumors of a BEA or BookCon thingy, but nothing concrete yet. I’m excited for the release, but we have a LONG way to go yet.

Meanwhile, I am trying to find time to write new and exciting stuff. November is coming, and while I’m not doing NaNoWriMo, I will be using the additional time off from work (teacher’s convention, Veteran’s day, T-giving) to get something moving in the spirit of the month of novel writing. Because I’m very far behind.

That’s it for now! Have a Happy Halloween, my darlings!