
All posts for the month March, 2015


Published March 14, 2015 by christinenorris

It’s been a while, but there hasn’t been much to say. Covers have been revealed, and now we’re in a holding pattern. Chugging along nicely. Some updates:

* The YA Books Central contest CLOSED! I have the names and addresses of the three winners (CONGRATS) and I will be packaging the posters to send out shortly.

*ONE MONTH until the release of Beware the Little White Rabbit !!!!!!!! I’m pretty excited about that.

*Curse : waiting for the ARC and the galleys. The LAST step until publication!!!!  I anticipate having more news about that soon, since pub day is only two months-ish away. We’ll be cranking up the pre-publication publicity (say that three times fast) machine.

Short post but that’s pretty much it. Working on next books, STILL in first drafts. I’m a faster editor than I am a first-drafter. Oh! There may be another post in the near future about editing. I am considering offering editing services, but I need to think on it some more before I put out anything official.

Have a great day, lovelies!