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Review – The Sword of Danu

Published May 20, 2012 by christinenorris

Here’s the first (!) review of The Sword of Danu. Eric is an ‘agency brother’, and was kind enough to read the book and review it on his blog, here. 

Much thanks to Eric!

Harry Potter becomes the Magic Tree House and then becomes so much more.  Jack and Annie become teenagers and embark on a National Treasure-like adventure.

 Christine Norris uses well developed characters that have a deep connection with each other and sends them on a fantastic mission – to recover the Sword of Danu.  The characters interact with each other well and that dynamic is expanded as other characters enter the scene.  I can picture the interactions in my mind; I can visualize the teenage girls vying for the cute guy – all done with a true sense of realism.

The wording is very descriptive and the conversations are appropriate and mature while keeping a sense of the audience.  The Sword of Danu is written for a younger audience, but that doesn’t make the book just for tweens, or even just for females.  The suspense is written well enough to keep anyone turning the pages.

The dragon scene is more Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets but also has elements of The Hobbit.

The ending was somewhat cliché but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t good or well written.  A reminder of why teamwork is so important.

Overall, the book is a lot of fun to read.  It is lighthearted enough for the reader to enjoy the words with enough touches of seriousness to make the characters believable.  The ending is abrupt (which is good) and sets up the next installment of adventure.

More information on Christine Norris and “The Sword of Danu”: