
All posts in the art category

Cover reveal: Help!

Published January 11, 2015 by christinenorris

So now one cover reveal is done (and it is awesome!), I need to prepare for the next. Yes, the cover for A CURSE OF ASH AND IRON is done!! And it is spectacular, to be honest. I jumped up and down when I saw it. I want to make a BIG deal of the reveal, celebrate it right.

The cover reveal will happen on JANUARY 27th, at Young Adult Books Central, at noon EST.

What I need is people to share it after that — 1pm EST on that day. Bloggers, I need your help. If you’d like to be part of the fun, please fill out this form. It’s a simple Google doc. I will send you the cover and all the information you need no later than the day before the reveal. You’ll just have to copy and paste and publish. Easy. If you do, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a $10 Amazon GC. (there will also be a link to the YABC reveal, because I’m having a giveaway there, too — which you will be eligible to enter as well!)


Media Monday — What’s new for Fall TV

Published September 2, 2013 by christinenorris

Last week I went down the list of shows I can’t wait to return for Fall.  Most of them end up in my DVR, because quite frankly I don’t have time to watch them when they’re on air, and I like to fast forward through the commercials.

There’s not that much new TV I’m looking forward to this fall. I hate reality TV in general, especially network reality TV. I gave up on American Idol after Season 2. It’s just boring. There are some good looking new shows, like THE 100, and ALMOST HUMAN.  BACK IN THE GAME sounds like a re-boot of THE BAD NEWS BEARS, and we’ve taken a bunch of movies and turned them into shows, like ABOUT A BOY and BAD TEACHER (like teachers need any more help. Please stop.) There are more cop shows, like CHICAGO PD. Enough with the cop shows already, we have enough that are good. BUT, then we have…

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D (ABC): Yeah, I am totally geeking out about this one. I honestly cannot wait for it.

COWORLD (SyFy): I am a Geek. I let my Geek flag fly. So watching a competition (I said I hate reality shows. I do. But THIS involves costumes and cosplay. All other arguments are invalid.) about cosplay is just like Geek Nirvana.

DRACULA (NBC): Nothing like taking out an old classic, dusting it off, and giving it new life. It worked for Sherlock Holmes (though I have yet to see a single episode of ELEMENTARY, I am faithful, as we all know, to the Cumberbatch.) At least this has good source material, and the talent is proven. I am not a fan of the vampire drama, not a Vampire Diaries or True Blood fan, but I might give this a gander.

THE GOLDBERGS (ABC): Okay, this one is a gimme. It’s brain candy, and as a child of the 80’s, I am powerless to resist. I love THE WEDDING SINGER too.

ONCE UPON A TIME IN WONDERLAND (ABC): Again, powerless in the face of Fairy Tale retellings. OUAT has dragged me in and held me captive for two seasons. And this is WONDERLAND. I seriously cannot wait for this one.

What are you looking forward to that’s new this fall?

Geek Pick of the Week — a little shameless, but what can you do?

Published August 28, 2013 by christinenorris

This week has turned into a whirlwind of…stuff. Mostly stuff I can’t talk about yet, but I hope to soon.  Sorry for all the cryptic non-telling, but it is what it is and I can’t yet reveal it. I promise when I can, I will.  It’s also the last week of summer vacation, so it’s a little weird. I want to just spend this week sitting on my butt enjoying the last days of freedom, but I have a long list of stuff to get done, son is in football, yadda yadda yadda.

Oh, and we started the choir season a little early because we have a lot to do and little time to do it. Which leads me to my Geek pick of the week. If you’re a music geek, that is. The Choral Arts of Southern New Jersey, of which I am a member, has updated their website, and it includes audio from our Spring concert season.

Boy, we’re good. If I say so myself. So I’m linking to the site this week, and you all should go and listen. Especially to “Dark Night of the Soul”, because, well, it’s awesome and it was a hard piece for me to learn, so I’m pretty proud to be a part of it.

Go here: Choral Arts of Southern New Jersey. And then click the “Audio” link.


Look Who’s Been Playing with Clay again –Pt. 2

Published August 14, 2013 by christinenorris

So I’ve spent a few days in the studio, playing with my new toys. I finally got my hands on some proper tools, and a toaster oven. Which has proven to be the most trying part, because I used to use my oven, which is gas. The toaster oven is calibrated differently and electric. I burned a whole bunch of stuff before I realized that I needed to turn the temperature down and just cook it longer, because the clay gets really close to the elements.

Anyhoo, I also purchased a book about making miniature clay food and made a couple of things out of it. Mostly it was good practice for working with the clay. I made a few things that will go up on my Etsy store, and plan on making more. Because, quite frankly, it’s fun to turn lumps of clay into recognizable shapes. I also worked on other…stuff. Which came out MUCH better than the last time.

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A variety of Police Boxes. I think the style on the left will be what I go with. The two lighter ones, second and third to the left, will become a pair of earrings. The far left will be a bracelet charm, to go with these:

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A MUCH better Sonic Screwdriver than last time (again, easier when you have the right tools), and River Song’s diary. Also, these, which are AWESOME.

2013-08-14 11.52.48I used a ball stylus to make indentations in the clay to hold the little black balls, and some liquid clay to make sure they stayed put. Also, I have switched to Premo clay, which is a little harder than Sculpey. And I learned that I should quench the pieces when they’re done to make them super hard and strong. This guy took some time, but I think once I get the process down it will go faster.

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These were a bit of work. They are two different styles, and I think I like the one on the right best. I will combine the way I do things from both the next time. I like the dress on the one on the left, but the the hands and wings from the one on the right. It’s a work in progress.

Oh, and these are small, FYI. How small? I put a bottle of acrylic paint next to them for scale:

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I have ideas for Harry Potter charms too. Next time I get time to work on them. Meanwhile I also finally pretty much perfected my large hole beads:

2013-08-14 11.57.25These are the kind that will fit the Pandora-style bracelets. The leopard skin ones are a bit big, because they are covered with a cane that I made, and I haven’t quite got them down yet. But they are easy enough as swirled/marbled. I will probably make a bunch of different kinds and sell them as mixed batches.

Geek Peek of the Week: Tea and Tentacles

Published July 17, 2013 by christinenorris

Doctor Who Necklace,Tardis, Police Box, Dr Who, Dalek, Gallifreyan, Spacey Wacey, Timey Wimey, Blue T652As some of you know, I have my own Etsy shop. I make beaded jewelry, occasionally with Steampunk themes, sometimes sculpted polymer clay charms. I want to do more of those, just need to find the time. But I was poking around on Etsy the other day and found this shop: Tea and Tentacles. Now, that name is just awesome, first of all. But she has all these handmade necklaces that reflect all the Geek fandoms you could imagine. (I really want that TARDIS starry night one.) There’s an Audrey Hepburn one (Kim Bacellia! Audrey Hepburn!), there is a Game of Thrones necklace, and some Steampunk pendants. Alice. In. Wonderland.  FIREFLY!!

I could get myself in big trouble shopping there too long…

So Tea and Tentacles is my Geek Pick of the Week. Go and patronize them, buy stuff and support small business!

Geek Pick of the Week: Karen Hallion, Artist

Published June 24, 2013 by christinenorris

copyright Karen Hallion

As part of my new found branding for the blog, I am going to try something called the Geek Pick of the Week. Here’s the first! I don’t know why I’ve never blogged about this before, because I am totally in LOVE with this artist’s work.

Meet Karen Hallion! She is the artist behind the illustration at the left, and she has a whole collection of Who/Fairy Tale mash-up art, so you can see why I am in deep love with this piece and the other pieces of this brilliant girl’s work. How can I resist? I recently bought a shirt from Tee Fury with her Who/Alice art on the front. I get tons of compliments on it every time I wear it.

What would I do for her to do a piece of cover art for one of my books!

Please please PLEASE support her! She sells prints, posters, postcards, calendars and more. Visit her website HERE. And her Etsy shop  HERE. Personally, I want the entire Fairy Tale collection as prints on my living room wall…

Being Artsy-Fartsy

Published January 12, 2013 by christinenorris

I have discovered that most people I know who write, also do other creative things. Some paint or draw. Some sew. Some make music. Having a second (or third) creative outlet seems to be the rule of authors rather than the exception, which is interesting.

Among other things. I’ve done a lot of ‘crafty’ things in my life — when I had time and space, I would sew. Yes, I can sew. When I was younger, I did embroidery. I have crocheted (taught myself with instructions on the interwebz), and made candles, and sculpted with clay (not always with success).

Currently my thing is making beaded jewelry. It is fun, and easy, and I am addicted to shiny, sparkly beads. SHINY!  SPARKLY! I make more than I could ever wear–not that I wouldn’t try–and I did have some success selling it at a craft show, and to co-workers, so last week I got out a catalog and placed a LARGE order for beads and findings.  Large.

And…I relaunched my Etsy shop. There are a few things up there now, and as soon as my order comes in (TODAY! YAY!) I get it sorted, I will have more.  Mostly bracelets and earrings and matching sets. Nothing fancy or made of sterling silver, just simple and fun pieces that aren’t expensive. I plan to make some Steampunk pieces and maybe get back to making clay charms for bracelets and earrings later on in the year.

Now, I’m not doing this just for creative outlet. I would LIKE to make some money :). So if you happen so see a piece you like, buy it? If you want something in a certain color or theme, let me know, I do custom work. Share the link with friends you think are interested. I would appreciate it!

You guys rock.