
All posts for the month December, 2014

Beware…. (being an announcement)

Published December 19, 2014 by christinenorris

1book24Hallo, Lovelies!

I got an early holiday gift this week. I submitted a short story, called The Watchmaker’s Ball, to Leap Books for consideration in their upcoming anthology, Beware the Little White Rabbit.  The anthology is being put together in honor of the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, which is next year.

I have never considered myself a strong short story writer. I write long. REALLY LONG, usually. But I wanted to give it a go. And I made it, just under the word count (6,000 words) and just on deadline. I never thought the story would get in, because there were SO many submissions, from around the world.

And I am not a short story writer.

The story I wrote, The Watchmaker’s Ball, is a twisted, steampunk take on the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party I connected it to A Curse of Ash and Iron, in a tangential way. I figured that if it was rejected, I would expand it and make it a novella and maybe sell it for .99 or give it away as a bonus to the novel.

But I don’t have to do that.

Because it was ACCEPTED. I’m IN, baby! I can hardly believe it. I had to read the letter three times to make sure.

Beware the Little White Rabbit will release in April, 2015. I have no idea who else is in or what their stories are about (except white rabbits and Alice). But the OFFICIAL announcement will come from Leap Books on December 31, along with the cover reveal.

Speaking of which… I am pretty sure the cover for A Curse of Ash and Iron will be done soon. I am working on setting up a cover reveal and such, probably around the end of January. No definite release date yet, but I assume I will have one sooner rather than later.

This Spring is going to be AWESOME.