
All posts for the month June, 2012

A “What you want to know” interview and giveaway!

Published June 29, 2012 by christinenorris

So, I’m thinking you all (all five of you that read this) want to know more about me and my books.  And I want to TELL you, I sure do. But I don’t want to just blather on about stuff you don’t care about.

Just for fun, here’s what we’re going to do. You have a burning question about me or my new book, THE SWORD OF DANU? Post it in the comments on THIS post. I will take those questions and answer them in a video blog!

Oh, and everyone who sends in a question will be entered in a grab-bag giveaway. What the heck is that? Well, I have a bunch of stuff hanging around the house — books, promo items, homemade jewelry– that I will put into a packages. I will randomly select three question-submitters and sent them a prize! It will be a total surprise what you get! Fun, right?

I’m taking questions starting now and ending on Tuesday, July 3.  I will do the video interview a week from now (barring any major complications in my life.)

*I respectfully reserve the right to not answer any question if I don’t feel it’s appropriate. Just tellin’ you now. Make ’em good ones. Oh, and please make sure I can get a hold of you — leave an email or make sure there is some way to identify you once the contest is over.

Feel free to pass this along on FB and Twitter!


NJSCBWI, Balticon, and Me

Published June 16, 2012 by christinenorris

Phew! So glad all the traveling is done for the season. I had a great time at both Balticon and the NJSCBWI conference, but I need to get back to work.  Or else, yanno, what’s the point?

I scored some books at both events:

These are two awesome books by Jackie Dolamore (one signed!), plus The Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving Humanity, an anthology full of authory goodness, and Sirenz, Back in Fashion, by my fabulous girls Char Bennardo and Nat Zaman. I can’t wait to dive in and start reading!

I also scored some awesome swag at NJSCBWI:

The faculty are always treated well at this conference, and this year the outgoing RA, Kathy Teaman pulled out all the stops. The blue bag has a silkscreen of the winning conference logo, which is something faculty gets every year. The beach towel has all of the entered logos, and I will be happy to take this to the pool this summer.  But the big surprise was this:

This gorgeous computer bag was Kathy’s special gift to all the women on faculty this year. You might not be able to see it in the pic, but it has “NJSCBWI” stamped into the lower right hand corner. I was so proud to carry this all weekend (and happy too, because my notebook computer slipped right inside, making hauling that around all the easier and SO stylish!).

The conference, as usual, was amazing. The guys at the Clinton Book Shop managed to even get copies of The Sword of Danu for the book fair, even though I hadn’t known the ISBN when I submitted the form and the fact the book had only come out two weeks earlier. If you ever visit Clinton, NJ, stop by and say hi!

I did my workshop on Worldbuilding in Fantasy, which seemed to be well received. Phew!  There were workshops on villains by John Cusick, and on book promotion by Char and Nat, good food, meeting up with old friends, and getting advice from Dan Yaccarino and Kate deCamillo. What an inspiring weekend! It was my first time on faculty, and I don’t want it to be my last.  If you have the opportunity to attend, don’t pass it up. Our new RA, Leeza Hernandez, has big shoes to fill, but I know my girl is up to the challenge, because she is awesome.

And now, to finish up with the school year (mainly consisting of putting things away and covering up the shelves and putting the library to sleep for the summer) and get to reading, writing, and finishing up my Master’s project so I can GRADUATE in December. This is life, people! Grab it with both hands!


Back- sort of-and bringing cool stuff!

Published June 11, 2012 by christinenorris

The last travel of the season is over. Whew! I will recap the NJSCBWI conference soon (it was AWESOME!). Meantime, I will leave you with the following.

My son introduced me to Temple Run about two weeks ago. I, predictably, am addicted. And we all know the newest book in the Library of Athena series contains quite a bit of Celtic mythology. (Wait,  you didn’t know? I am falling down on the job! Go and buy The Sword of Danu on Amazon!)

So you can imagine how excited I was to see this app — Temple Run with the character from the new Celtic adventure movie from Disney/Pixar, Brave. 

Not only can you jump and slide like in regular Temple Run, you can SHOOT.

Yeah, I am SO getting this when it comes out. Squee!

Checking in

Published June 4, 2012 by christinenorris

I have been running for what seems like forever. I have stuff to talk about but no time to do it. I had a great time at Balticon and sold some books and hopefully made some new fans and friends. The launch party was AWESOME! I have pics but they are on my phone.

Meanwhile, I am getting ready for the NJSCBWI conference NEXT weekend. The last travel weekend before summer. Phew! Just making the final check of my presentation and putting together a wiki for people who come to the conference and whatnot.

The Sword of Danu  has been doing pretty well, but I realize I need to do some more promo stuff. I promise I will do some giveaways and stuff soon!  The book is also listed on Goodreads now,  so if you’ve read it (or are planning to read it), you can add it to your list.

Later, dahlings!